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Psalms//Psalms 23

Psalm 23- The Lord is My Shepherd ...

One Another: Bear One Another's Burdens

03/01/2023 Dawson College & Young Adult Service
We fulfill the law of Christ when we live in interdependence of one another. ...

One Another: Be At Peace With One Another

02/15/2023 Dawson College & Young Adult Service
To experience peace with one another, we must have peace with God and the peace of God. ...

One Another: Love One Another

02/15/2023 Dawson College & Young Adult Service
We love because He first loved us. ...

Redeeming The Absurdity Of Life

02/08/2023 Dawson College & Young Adult Service
Ecclesiastes is a daunting and puzzling book. As the Preacher narrates his vain pursuits and comes to terms with his mortality, we can learn to live wisely and look to Jesus who redeems the central conflicts of the human experience in Ecclesiastes. ...

Walking With God

02/01/2023 Dawson College & Young Adult Service
Pastor David

Grown Up: The Pathway To Maturity, Part 2

01/25/2023 Dawson College & Young Adult Service
You’re a Christian now. You’re new now. This is not just a new set of beliefs, but a new life! ...

Grown Up: The Pathway To Maturity, Part 1

01/18/2023 Dawson College & Young Adult Service
Holistic and sustainable growth is directly tied to relational depth with Jesus. ...

Reckoning & Restoration: Nahum

11/16/2022 Dawson College & Young Adult Service
God will remove the threat, renew the creation, and be with His people forever. // Blake Jenkins

Reckoning & Restoration: Habakkuk

11/09/2022 Dawson College & Young Adult Service
Habakkuk shows us the God who inspires faith in crises. // Jacob Pierce

Reckoning & Restoration: Jonah

11/02/2022 Dawson College & Young Adult Service
The book of Jonah confronts us. We see the worst in ourselves. We are Jonah. We are Nineveh. We are in need of salvation. Aren’t you glad God loves his enemies? // Blake Jenkins

Peter: Pentecost & The Early Church

10/12/2022 Dawson College & Young Adult Service
The church is the body of Christ, called out and indwelt by the Holy Spirit to dynamically testify to the resurrection of Jesus in word and deed. ...
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